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​Members Gallery

Looking for New Art for the Member Gallery! 

PSNH members in good standing are encouraged to have their pastel paintings featured in the Member's Gallery. Images may be changed quarterly. To participate submit two jpeg images to web administrator in the following format:

  • .jpg

  • Please ID with your name and title of painting
    (Ex: JaneDoe-MountainVista.jpg)

Send to Web Administrator: Susanne Larkham

Members also get first notification of and discounts on Workshops. 

'The Current Discount codes are:


Karen Israel 3-Day Workshop: PSNH_KI$25


For the Autum in NH Pastel Set: PSNHSAVE15
For the Summer Summit Views Set: PSNH_Save10

Current ​Member Roster

Debra Accardi

Barbara Adams

Rhonda Alden
Andrew Anderson-Bell

Lori Arel
Lyn Asselta

Karen Audouin

Lisa Aulbach

Lily Baddour
Martha Barrett-Smith

Elizabeth Begley
Heather Belanger

Kate Bergquist
Marcia Blakeman

Sharon Boisvert-Macentee
Marilyn Bok

Anyes Borden
Heidi Botnick
Thomas W. Bradley
Terri Brooks

Frances Butsavich

Jane Brzozowski

William Cabell
Polly Cain
Christine Chisholm

Cheryl Christian

Debra Codd

Carey Connor

Betsy Payne Cook

Carol Corliss

Betsy Craumer

Barbara Danser
Anne Debenedictis

Nancy DeBaun
Suzanne deLesseps
Keith Demanche
Linda Dessaint
Petrice Didominic

Deb Doces

Janice Dodier
Paula Dorr
Joan Dreicer
Carolyn Edwards

Susan Edwards
Mary Ann Eldred
Wolfgang Ertl

Barbara Farchione
Joelle M. Feldman
Jeff Fioravanti

John Forcucci
Paula Fraser
Elinor Freedman

Debbie Frisella
Robin Frisella

Ann Gillespie

Jeri Greenberg

Annie Halvorsen

Suzanne Hankard

Jackie Hanson

Elaine Hardman

Robin Herbert

Barbara Holmes

Karen Israel

Norma Johnsen

Brenna Johnstone

Laura Winn Kane

Vineeta Kapoor

Annie Kay

Charlene Knight

Cristine Kossow

Allison Krajcik

Mary Anne Laning

Susanne Larkham

Madeline LaRose

Jan Ledoux

Shuk Susan Lee

Laurie Levesque

Mena Levit

Deborah Locke

Anne Lunney

Debra Luoma

Carolyn Machell

Sandy Machell

Claudia Maciel

Letitia Macos

Elizabeth McGurk
Judy McKenna

Jeanne McKinney
Donna Mercer

Diane Taylor Moore

Mary Moore
Mary Beth Morrison
Maryann Mullett

Thomas Musco
Gwen Nagel

Suzanne Nelson

Sherri Nordhaus

Lisa Nugent

Sandra O'Brien
Sara Oseasohn
Gary Ozias
Richard Paik
Joni Parker-Roach

Leanne Parr
Ellen M. Pelletier

Heidi Pettigrew

Kathleen Phelps

Cynthia Pierson

Sarah Pillsbury
Iris Pimentel
Cynthia Powell

Larissa Powers Fuqua
Deborah Prince Smith

Heather Quay

Bernadette Quirk

Jan Rodgers
Lisa Regopoulos
Chris Reid

Ruth Rinard

Cindy Rodday

Donna Roy

Edward Rushbrook

Debra Samia

Patricia Schappler

Barbara Scott
Sally Gordon Shea

Joanne Sherburne

Jennifer Siddall 

Maggie Smith
Jeanne Smith-Cripps

Maureen Spinale
Michael Stan

Ruth Sterling

Audrey Stuart

Sue Tankard

David Taylor

William Tibbs

Donna Theodossiou

Katrina Thorstensen

Gill Truslow

Joan Turley
Peggy Van Valkenburgh

Susan Wadsworth

Corinne Walker
Margie West

Carol-Ann Wernoch

PS Willey

Stephanie Williams
Dorothy Winchell

Fall Greetings fellow pastel enthusiasts!


As my first act as the incoming president, I will kick things off with a he-art-y round of appreciation to our outgoing board members. Please join me in thanking: Paula Fraser & her trusty sidekick Art for taking the helm of the Member’s Show Chair for six years. Shows were held at the Jaffrey Civic Center, online in conjunction with the Library Arts Center during the Pandemic, and at the Monadnock Center for History & Culture in Peterborough. Paula also helped institute online submission with Show Submit. Also, a heap of gratitude for Keith Demanche and his long tenure as the National Exhibition Chair/CoChair--over a decade! Keith and Shuk Susan Lee have split the duties for the past six years with Keith tasked with securing the sponsorship and prizes for the exhibition, venue contracts, and the feat of literally hanging our beautiful juried show.


Speaking of… It’s Pastel! Our 16th Annual Nat’l Juried Exhibition opened 10/26 and was a huge success! This year Shuk added a PowerPoint presentation so that the works could be displayed while handing out the certificates. The food was amazing & our Juror of Awards, Karen Israel gave a warm & engaging gallery talk. Her 3-day workshop was a rousing success and the work produced was inspired!


Next up is our annual meeting: Wednesday 11/13 at 7:30pm! Outgoing president Annie Halvorsen has lined up a wonderful demo that you won’t want to miss! We promise to keep the required business short to give us all more time with Chicagoan, Kathleen Newman, IAPS EP, PSA, AIS, CPPM, TWSA.


I would be remiss if I didn’t put out a bright and cheery welcome mat for some new board members and/or committee volunteers as we have a few ongoing positions that we would love to fill! We’ve had a wonderful influx of new members over the past few years, if you’re one of them, why not jump in & get involved? We welcome new ideas and while there is real work to do, we try to make it fun as we work really well together.


Coming up next year, be looking for announcements for our 2nd Pastel Retreat in June and information regarding a third exhibition--our Signature Circle Member Show. We recently voted to change the Signature Member Requirements, so if you hadn’t thought to apply before, maybe 2025 is your year!


In closing, I want to thank Annie for all of the efficiencies that she incorporated into our Zoom meetings and how she tackled the mammoth undertaking--updating all of verbiage and the job descriptions for the board chairs and everything else to keep us in compliance with the bylaws. Annie is staying on as VP and am also pleased that the two other most recent presidents will be staying on for continuity. I have worked with all of them since joining the board in July of 2018 as webmaster. I will continue in that role as well as President (one less chair to fill!).


Ready, Set… Back to the Easel,

Susanne Larkham, President

President's Message

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