About Us
Our Mission Statement:
To set standards of excellence and to encourage the use of soft pastel;
To unite outstanding pastelists through membership in the society;
To establish pastel as a separate category in major art exhibitions;
To focus attention on the renaissance of pastel and to educate the public regarding the permanence and beauty of the medium;
To offer workshops, critiques, classes, demonstrations and scholarships as part of our educational program;
To offer a vehicle of communication for the exchange of news and ideas through our website, social media, and our other publications;
To hold members' shows at prominent galleries and museums;
To culminate the year's activities with a national annual juried exhibition open to members and non-members.
The Pastel Society of New Hampshire hosts a Juried Exhibition and at least one Members Show each year. Workshops of varying duration with pastel artists of national renown will be offered. Membership meetings are scheduled four times per year and typically include a brief business meeting followed by a program of critiques, demonstrations, paint-outs, and guest speakers leading discussions of art related topics. Exhibitions and Membership Meetings will be held in different locations within the state.
The Pastel Society of New Hampshire is a member of IAPS, International Association of Pastel Societies, linking our members with the world of other pastel societies and their members.