Signature Circle Gallery

Linda Dessaint, PPOM, NHPSA
Artist Statement:
Capturing emotion through light and shadows, colors and shapes, thought and instinct … this is art for me. My intention is to convey the energy of the moment into an experience for everyone. The constant change and beauty of the shifting seasons inspires me. I am grateful for the support and love of my wonderful family and friends who have taught me to appreciate and look closely at nature, at life.
Linda Dessaint is an artist who creates paintings from nature and life. Linda works out of her studios in New Hampshire and Virginia, as well as outside in the natural landscape, en plein air. Dessaint combines keen observation and sensitivity to her work, translating the shifting light and energy of the moment into an experience for everyone. In addition to landscapes, Dessaint enjoys creating figurative works, still life, and pet portraits. Commissioned work is also welcomed by Dessaint. She has acquired numerous awards in national and international exhibits during the last 15 years. Her work is collected across the United States and Europe.
Dessaint's paintings are on view in select galleries as well as her own studio/gallery at 52 Main Street in Antrim, NH
and in her studio in Williamsburg, Virginia. Follow Linda's work on her website, at